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List of related questions and answers «User and Access Management»

4 answer
27.02.2023, 09:53
how to close access to all to all fields in a table view?
Hello. Please tell me. In a table view, all users have access to all fields. Please tell me how to close access to individual groups of access to i...
4 answer
21.02.2023, 12:06
how to deny permission to users (permission groups) to additional fields
Congratulations. In OneBox OS, it turned out that there was no possibility to prohibit permission to individual fields in the tabular view of proce...
4 answer
13.02.2023, 19:24
Very urgent! Unable to enter the box!
Writes The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0 What is the reason? Customers in the store, shipments from the wa...
2 answer
31.01.2023, 07:35
Won't enter box error 451
Good afternoon. For unknown reasons, he does not let him into boxing. Error "Your OneBox license has reached the maximum number of sessions: 0" We ...
3 answer
27.01.2023, 12:23
Can't login to OneBox
Good afternoon. There is a problem logging into OneBox. We have 5 licenses, very often it happens that "Online" is 2-3-4 people and it's already im...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.01.2023, 10:58
Problem: throws out from all Boxes
Good afternoon! The last time he starts to throw out from the Boxes. I go into the settings of the designer, automation, business processes immedia...
2 answer
26.01.2023, 18:23
Delete my profile completely and permanently
A big request to delete my account and all data from the onebox database, permanently and irrevocably. And please stop spamming your emails - it&#3...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
25.01.2023, 20:34
The content of messages from the chatbot is not available for viewing in the task
There is a chatbot: https://t.me/YesEnergy_office_bot Connected to the system: yesenergy.1b.app The integration with it is configured and it works....
1 answer
25.01.2023, 10:40
Unable to change permissions
Good afternoon. I ran into a problem with setting access rights, namely, when I try to open "Fine settings of access rights" on any application, it...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
25.01.2023, 10:20
500 error on invafishki.1b.app when entering application settings
The error occurs when entering the settings of any application, 1254 and 1253 For this group app/acl/aclgrouppermission/1/ Please check