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List of related questions and answers «User and Access Management»

2 answer
A bug with access rights, it is impossible to open access to a certain action!
Good day. I bring the screens. Does not open access to the "send" button (it is necessary to send to the export file, that is, to export bonuses...
3 answer
The "send to" button is not displayed in the "accounting tables" application
Screen 1 - the manager must have access to the send button, namely, go to the contact card, send to accounting tables, and from there send to file ...
3 answer
13.06.2023, 16:34
I can't enter the box
I can't enter the box pandaopt.1box.link, gives
How to adjust the visibility of tasks by users so that they are visible only if they set them or they are responsible? Access granted, if I set "vi...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.06.2023, 12:12
There are no access rights settings for one of the accounts
Good day, For some reason, it is impossible to configure access rights in one account among all accounts, the list with options for access rights ...
Stage tasks
How to open access to the possibility of changing the stage of the task for employees
2 answer
30.05.2023, 10:32
Managers don't see each other's messages
https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ Good afternoon In the order, managers do not see what message another manager sent to the client. How to open acces...
2 answer
11.05.2023, 11:41
Expected arrival. Access rights
Good day What should be opened in the access rights to see the expected arrival of the product? Managers have open, almost everything in the wareho...
1 answer
06.05.2023, 11:32
Removed the "tasks" section in the business process constructor
How to restore an accidentally deleted "tasks" section in the business process designer?
18 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.04.2023, 16:58
Download roles and access rights by role when copying boxes
Now: - a role was created; - but access rights to it were not copied. Do: - copy all the roles that are in the basic box; - copy all rights fo...