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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

5 replies
25.08.2020, 15:06
Google shopping
Good afternoon, and how will the integration of loading feed for Google shopping be expanded?
7 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.08.2020, 14:42
The client (recipient) did not come from Rozetka correctly
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/20374/edit/ It lists one client (Julia) http://prntscr.com/u5j3f6 But a completely dif...
1 answer
24.08.2020, 14:35
Fractionality. Units
Earlier I asked a question about units of measurement. I did everything as you wrote here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/postavschiki-i-prajsy/4...
Integration with zakupka
Integration with the zakupka.com marketplace
4 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
22.08.2020, 15:29
Delivery method entered incorrectly from Rozetka
Here is the history https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/20309/history/?systemchange=1&fil...
7 replies
19.08.2020, 16:37
When posting the goods, you need to set the weight of the goods to 1.5 kg in the settings. Van box gives an error. Must be only an integer. Through...
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list from the RRC and from the order price with a discount
Possibility of forming the price of goods from the price list in the RRC and from the order price with a discount At once Upon setting the price Fo...
3 answer
integration Hotline.ua
Hotline integration Is it possible to transfer information about the method and cost of delivery from OneBox to Hotline.ua
7 replies
18.08.2020, 17:44
Setting up the transfer of product photos to Rozetka
The client has a website on Prom.ua, he uploads photos of one sample to it. On Rozetka, such photos are not suitable according to the site's po...
6 replies
17.08.2020, 16:39
Are there import suppliers?
Good afternoon. Is it possible to import suppliers or do I have to manually create each one?