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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

2 answer
Unloading categories Rosettes in Ukrainian - categories with an apostrophe are not unloaded
We specify through the directory "Computer speakers", or "USB flash memory" - unloads an empty category <categoryId/> how...
3 answer
How to do automatic markup without contacting suppliers?
How to make an automatic markup on the main price (for example, 10%) and record it either in an additional field for the product or in an additiona...
3 answer
25.04.2021, 09:10
Export of goods on Prom
The YML product upload file only contains a list of categories. What could be the reason? All settings are enabled.
3 answer
How to download prices and availability of products via YML from Prom.ua without updating categories?
Task: The box has its own category tree (this was done for automation with a socket, because products fall into the wrong category). In automation,...
6 replies
22.04.2021, 10:22
Automatic download of price lists
Good afternoon, we did a revision earlier, namely the action "automatically uploading a price list and sending it to the mail", used it b...
5 replies
BAAs Dev.
21.04.2021, 18:49
Error when uploading XML for Rozetka with a full list of Product Attributes/Filters part 3
On your question what to leave in priority, I propose to add to the functionality so that everyone in the future chooses what is in priority for hi...
4 answer
Prom.ua ( payment action evaluation )
We added a payment status setting to the api of proma, we can do some action or setting in automation to import an order from proma, so that it che...
4 answer
BAAs Dev.
21.04.2021, 10:36
Error when uploading XML for Rozetka with a full list of Product Attributes/Filters part 2
I saw your last post, which was uploaded to optidrop, I needed this for debugging in auriel box
8 replies
19.04.2021, 18:14
Rozetka integration stopped working
On 14.04 integration with Rozetka (import of processes) became 502, then it fell off. Then it appeared naturally without settings. The settings hav...
1 answer
19.04.2021, 17:21
Not receiving messages from Rosette
Earlier there was a question about not receiving messages from the outlet - https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/price-platforms-and-marketplaces/7924...