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List of related questions and answers «Server Utilities»

5 replies
10.05.2022, 12:45
SSL certificate
Good day, you need to install an SSL certificate on my server
15 replies
10.05.2022, 11:35
ssl promotion
http://delavega.crm-onebox.com/ where can i send the certificate? І throw off the rahunok koretsvalentyn@ukr.net
3 answer
09.05.2022, 11:17
Renew certificate
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ SSL certificate expired, please renew. Invoice (preferably a link pay link) and send me the amount
5 replies
06.05.2022, 20:26
SSH access to boxing server
Good day, Please be kind SSH access to my box server Dyakuyu
2 answer
04.05.2022, 17:49
The system slows down https://shebo.crm-onebox.com
Recently, we have encountered a problem that the system has begun to slow down a lot, especially when it comes to editing data in processes, transi...
3 answer
19.04.2022, 22:49
CRM began to hang
Good afternoon. About a month ago, CRM began to freeze when loading any page. Approximate hang time from 5 to 10 seconds. Previously loaded in a ma...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
19.04.2022, 19:43
1B visions. How to inspire?
Boxing, which has been removed from base.crm-onebox.com. how do you recommend it and what do you need for it?
9 replies
18.04.2022, 17:22
Server redundancy
Hello. We moved box to another server (one of your integrators). It remains to configure the reservation and fix some bugs that arose after the tra...
1 answer
18.04.2022, 15:46
We want to transfer boxing to the cloud canitel.com.ua
there are related questions, because box has not been updated for a long time 1. A website was attached to the box based on the templates of the bo...
1 answer
18.04.2022, 15:38
Daycron not working
Here are the stats https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/system-statistic/ Here you can see that the day handler did not start. because of this, the ne...