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Crons hung after trying to clear data and reboot

Good day everyone,
There was a problem - after trying to delete old data using the "Data Cleanup" application, a number of problems occurred - at first the system started to slow down like hell, opening any page took half a minute. Then I watched the minute cron run once every 20 minutes. Disabled all automation that could affect the cron, but it did not help. I rebooted the server and everything finally hung (minute, hour crowns) and has not been working for more than 3 hours ... I wanted to restart them, but in order not to break firewood, I ask for help - which of the processes should be beaten? Below is the admin console log:
root@crm ~ # ps -aux | grep -v -E "^root|redis-th" | grep cron-
crmrsru+ 2065 0.0 0.0 107948 604 ? S 12:13 0:00 /usr/bin/flock -n /var/www/crmrsrussiaru/web1/web/cron/cron-redis.php.pid /usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=512M -f /var /www/crmrsrussiaru/web1/web/cron/cron-redis.php
crmrsru+ 2066 0.1 0.0 638120 25120 ? S 12:13 0:23 /usr/bin/php -d
Original question is available on version: ru


And additionally a log for all running PIDs
18.05.2022, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. Nailing any of the crowns you violate the system's performance, booting the server without knowing the internals of the system, you violate the system's performance. Crones will be restored automatically within a few hours, for this you do not need to kill any processes - there is a different scheme.
18.05.2022, 15:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Understood, then we wait, thanks!
18.05.2022, 15:49
Original comment available on version: ru

and one more thing: if you are already sitting on the server, then do not do it from under the root, this is a bad practice after which it can be very painful later. If you, God forbid, release something in the box from under the root, then you will suffer. Use sudo su "user under which box files are created"
18.05.2022, 15:51
Original comment available on version: ru

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