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List of related questions and answers «Safety»

You need to install an SSL certificate
You need to install a security certificate on the box http://box.criamo.com/admin/. Please issue an invoice immediately. Thank you.
3 answer
18.07.2021, 13:22
OS: Gender recommendation "Open fine-tuning permissions"
1) Please remove the drop-down menu "Open fine-tuning access rights". It makes no sense to go into it, since it has not yet been added to...
3 answer
18.07.2021, 13:09
OS: Duplicate data in access rights "Create payment"
In the settings of access rights, namely in Payments and cash desks, the data "Create payment" is duplicated
2 answer
18.07.2021, 10:57
OS: Delete button in permissions
I started sketching different groups for the test and created extra ones, and now I can’t find the Delete button in the Access rights application. ...
5 replies
17.07.2021, 17:53
OS: Company structure is not built correctly.
1) I can't figure out what the binary structure is? I created a structure in my company, but I can't figure it out. I have never seen a str...
4 answer
17.07.2021, 14:39
OS: Permissions
Make a video and tell us how to work with access rights? What rights do employees have now without creating groups? What does the employee / admini...
4 answer
16.07.2021, 09:33
OS - Permission Visibility
We suggest adding some visual symbols that will help the administrator understand what is already configured or enabled and what is not. Thanks
3 answer
15.07.2021, 12:18
Installing a new SSL certificate
We need to install a new SSL security certificate on our website.
8 replies
15.07.2021, 08:40
OS - Add all
Another pain of using onebox os - there is no way to check all the boxes at once. 1. Please add enable/disable all at once. 2. Add the ability to &...
7 replies
14.07.2021, 14:58
Entrance to the box by barcode or/and qr code
Good afternoon! Tell me, can I sign in to OneBox by scanning a barcode or / and a qr code? The idea is as follows: when working in an offline store...