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List of related questions and answers «Reports and analytics»

8 replies
Incorrect indicators in the report after uploading to XLS
Sales report not working.
BUG! Sales report not working. Most likely due to the fact that it is trying to load a large amount of data. Report link: http://gadgetopt.crm-oneb...
1 answer
Additional question on the report
https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/reports-and-analytics/7346-dorabotka-bloka-otc... - there was such a consultati...
10 replies
Refinement of the block of reports: Table of contacts
In such a table https://prnt.sc/107kqfy , additional logic is needed 1) Add a column - Maximum sales per month: We look at the client by the date o...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
26.02.2021, 11:56
Call by processes with a filter by the date of creation of a contact
Good afternoon. Chi is the ability to induce Call by processes with a filter by the date of creation of a contact? There is no such possibility in ...
3 answer
23.02.2021, 23:16
Amount in sales reports
Good afternoon! what could be the reason that in sales reports with 1 of the same filters on different days it shows a different amount? We need to...
Report: Balance forecast and purchase calculation. How does he work?
Good afternoon. Where does the value of the column Forecast balance come from and how is it used to calculate the recommended order?
dashboard block
Hello. Please rate the revision, in the dashboard block Table of total payments and the number of processes in the specified statuses in the Paymen...
3 answer
16.02.2021, 17:43
Report on the number and amount of processes that passed a certain process status
Good afternoon. Tell me what is the best report you can use to see the amount and number of processes that were in a certain status for a certain p...
4 answer
09.02.2021, 12:25
Report on completed fields
Good afternoon. Forming a BP for a customer satisfaction survey. An automatic start of the process is planned, depending on a number of factors, an...