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List of related questions and answers «OneBox Integrators»

2 answer
06.10.2020, 20:02
Sales automation for a cosmetics company
The client is engaged in the production of cosmetic products. The main task is to increase the flow of customers in your own region through new sal...
2 answer
06.10.2020, 19:32
Solution for the food industry
The company has food production and sales The main task is to see net earnings and the cost of goods 1. Warehouse accounting of goods 2. Daily turn...
Project for a garment factory
The client has his own sewing production. He plans to purchase a system to solve the following problems: 1) Set up a warehouse with a reminder of a...
Project for a dental laboratory. Solving customer needs.
The client has a dental laboratory. He plans to use the system as follows: 1) Control the warehouse (arrival and departure of goods) 2) Control the...
2 answer
06.10.2020, 17:47
Solution for a company that deals with steel ropes
The company is engaged in steel rope. The main goal is warehouse accounting and management accounting 1. Customer base 2. Financial planning - Curr...
Project for a courier company. Solving customer needs.
The client has a courier company. He plans to use the system to: - formation of a personal account of the client, - tracking the status of cargo tr...
Project for a client selling building materials wholesale, retail, online store. Solving customer needs.
The client has a construction materials company. He plans to use the system to control and account for the warehouse, save customer requests, iP te...
Project for a private photographer. Solving customer needs.
The client plans to use the system for project management. There are several designers whose work needs to be supervised. Namely: 1) You need to se...
Project for a one-line sales client. Solving customer needs.
The client has one-line sales through social networks. Facebook and Instagram networks. There is also a retail store. He plans to use the system fo...
Project for a construction company. Solving customer needs
The client has a construction company. He plans to use the system to control and account for the warehouse (to control the quantity of each item), ...