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List of related questions and answers «Notification and chat systems»

5 replies
27.07.2021, 03:24
Notifications don't work
In general, for the entire time of registration, the systems did not work, although many notifications should have come. https://exam4shebo.crm-one...
3 answer
14.07.2021, 18:45
OS - Working with notifications
1. When switching the stage, the process closes, a notification appears in the bottom right corner and then the process opens again, but false appe...
14 replies
07.07.2021, 15:18
OS - Notification Block
In the MVP version, this moment was resolved, but in the OS it appeared again. The notification block should be reduced to a certain height, but m...
4 answer
21.06.2021, 11:15
OS - Notifications
Problems in the operation of the notification center OS version: 1. When you click on a notification, it takes a very long time to switch to mail. ...
1 answer
My events clear
2. My events. The event counter in the menu on the left shows constantly 1313, a lot of events have accumulated. Automatic action once a day: Clear...
8 replies
22.04.2021, 17:21
how to delete old messages in chat?
Good afternoon. A lot of messages have gathered in a single chat. Thousands. They make chatting difficult. How to remove them? how to get rid of ol...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 13:07
Create notification in notification center
The comment is created in the process, but the notification itself is not created in the communication center. What could be the reason?
12 replies
18.03.2021, 17:19
Do not use feedback in chat (Instagram Direct (i2crm) in chat)
Integration with i2crm (Instagram Direct) done So nalashtovana diya Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat - chat is created, but it is ...
2 answer
03.03.2021, 12:26
Do not come to inform the clerk about the tasks.
Good day. Tasks are created by missed calls, but in the future do not come to the communication center about those that have new tasks. https://dif...
10 replies
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28.02.2021, 21:50
A single hour is not a single chat ... a baby dies
Gentlemen, they made a product, but left it unfinished. According to the specifics of the work, new chats are constantly added. Now it has come to ...