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List of related questions and answers «Managing Documents and Document Templates»

2 answer
20.12.2021, 16:43
How to insert a variable in a document on top of an image?
Colleagues, when does he know how to make a document template in such a way that it contains a static picture, and insert variables inside it or on...
3 answer
09.12.2021, 11:21
Missing document templates in app
After installing the application collection of templates, there are no templates on the tabs
13 replies
01.12.2021, 19:26
OS: Create and print labels
Guys, I need help in creating and printing labels. We often use small format price tags (20x30 mm; 30x50 mm, etc.), and also display a barcode on t...
25 replies
number format in documents
applied all the examples from the topic, https://1b.app/en/support/documents/1413-dobavit-sotie-00-k-tsenam-v-dokumentah/ none worked there is a ...
2 answer
the name of the document in the "check out document" action
the name of the document can be attached to the number or id of the process?
5 replies
Video files are not being verified in the knowledge base
Good day! After adding video files, they don’t stink, although at the stage of their advancement, the boules What format should the video files be ...
3 answer
18.11.2021, 18:51
Document variable not working
There is a pattern https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/document/templates/14/control/ It has a variable But it doesn't show up when creating the ...
1 answer
17.11.2021, 15:20
Printing documents with sorting
There is a document template https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/shop/document/templates/14/control/ It displays a column with a product cell {row:product...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
02.11.2021, 15:09
fix the row:product_currency variable
in the documents in the variable "product currency row:product_currency" instead of the currency of the product of the process or the cur...
2 answer
26.10.2021, 13:08
The name of the currency is not displayed for the subprocess
The document template (https://box.esmile.com.ua/admin/shop/document/templates/27/control/ ) does not show the name of the currency for the subproc...