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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

1 answer
15.12.2021, 09:24
Gmail not working
Good afternoon. I'm having trouble setting up gmail. I enter the settings as described in previous topics, everything is elementary, but I get ...
The html structure is not saved when the sheet is folded from the tab "My Submissions"
The html structure was no longer saved when the sheet was folded from the tab "My Submissions": https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin...
10 replies
13.12.2021, 16:05
IMAP parser
Attention! Integration of your OneBox ___ with mailbox ___ does not work. Reason:[ALERT] Application-specific password required: https://support.go...
3 answer
06.12.2021, 18:17
No popup scroll bar
When you click in the contact card on the mail, the window appears in the background. There is no vertical scroll bar! Come only through the tab bu...
Zlitaє html at the sheet when resending
When transferring a sheet through My Submit, the html structure of the transferred sheet is used (div. screenshots) https://astelitgroup.crm-onebox...
6 replies
02.12.2021, 17:03
Variable format in mailing
Good afternoon! There is a variable with date type {|$customorder_datadostavki2|} How to correctly write its format so that the mailing list contai...
9 replies
30.11.2021, 10:49
error in smtp logs
Hello, looking through the logs, we saw an error in the smtp logs Please tell me, is this normal? The nature is not entirely clear, and what went w...
2 answer
29.11.2021, 15:03
how to understand the reason
Hello. Integration with sendpulse.com stopped working everything worked did not change anything and stopped
1 answer
Integration with SendPulse
Of course, it's great that there is integration with SendPulse, but why is it so crooked ??? I'm trying to transfer the lead data to the Se...
2 answer
20.11.2021, 14:52
Parsing data from the XLS file attached to the letter.
There is an action in the system Extract data of additional fields of process products from email attachment files It parses the data from the XLS ...