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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

1 answer
15.12.2024, sunday, 09:55
System Notification Email Template
Hello, where can I set up system email notification in BoxOS? It was in the old box, but I couldn't find it here.
The integration of the CPM system with the corporate mailbox is periodically disrupted.
Good afternoon. For several days in a row, our corporate email has been receiving emails with the same content as in the first screenshot from Goog...
Some emails come as a set of characters
We have Webmail and rarely, but sometimes some letters arrive as a bunch of symbols, while on Webmail itself everything is readable. What could be ...
0 replies
Setting up integration with gmail
When you have set up a connection to gmail, there are instructions in the OneBox connection form: "Go to the Google API developer console and log...
Unable to set up mail integration
I can't set up mail integration with any of the mail services. There are settings with ukr.net; i.ua; gmail; ukrraine.com.ua It gives errors everyw...
4 answer
Sending a list of products ({|$basketsArray|}) using an array
Good day Tell me how to correctly write the code in such a way that the client receives a letter with a list of his goods (from 2 or more) not in a...
2 answer
The action "Send a message by email" works only with ukr.net
Good day The action works for ukr.net mail - the client receives a notification about the order. But it does not work, for example, with gmail. Tel...
15 replies
Personal license
31.07.2024, 16:05
OneBox Outlook integration not working
We have set up OneBox integration with Outlook, all keys are active and have not expired, The mail server returns errors after each restart of the ...
1 answer
A problem with displaying sent emails from email
When sending a letter to the client's e-mail not from OneBox, but from the connected mail, several copies of this letter are displayed in the clien...
4 answer
OneBox mail is not working due to spam
We have configured mail from our server to ONEBox https://techprilad.1b.app/desktop/ But OneBOX mail stopped working due to the following error ...