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List of related questions and answers «Logistics and delivery management»

3 answer
The client's phone is not being picked up correctly when registering the NP
Order https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/128157/ The client has only one phone number, we create a TTN for the order https://prnt.sc/ww18jx11GxnZ, an...
I can't insert the Rosetka Delivery application
Gives an error, see screenshots. Please help
7 replies
Fulfillment by new mail.
how to set up integration with the Fulfillment warehouse at the new post office? they have SRM I want to give the goods to their warehouse, and the...
5 replies
When auto-forming TTN knocks out an error.
Good afternoon When auto-forming TTN gives an error "An error has occurred. Failed to create TTN. Sender not found." Action Hands TTN are create...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
22.05.2023, 08:00
Search for a process by recipient in TTN
Good afternoon In the BP, when creating a TTN of Nova Poshta, the full name and phone number are taken from the user card selected in the addition...
2 answer
08.05.2023, 17:02
Error creating sender address
An error when creating a waybill in the Ukraposhta application, this is the case with all Ukraposhta waybills
2 answer
Personal license
25.04.2023, 18:46
New mail statuses are not transmitted
Integration with NP works, TTN is created Key term until June 2024 https://monosnap.com/file/yJLunP8fUc7VME6G6Tay3wxn3dInph From 01.04.2023, new ma...
Sending TTN to email
There was a need to send information to customers about their order when they go to the approved stage. It is not possible to transfer TTN there. ...
2 answer
20.04.2023, 14:05
When creating a TTN return delivery, which payment method does the system transfer and how can it be changed?
The action at the "Create TTN return delivery Nova Poshta" stage for some TTNs began to issue an error "An error occurred. It was no...
Changes in the display of the TTN list
How to make a table with a list of tn displayed any additional information, such as the creation date and delivery address. It is also not clear ho...