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List of related questions and answers «Logistics and delivery management»

6 replies
24.06.2022, 18:43
Nova Poshta, Description for TTN by default
Hello. How to add a product name in the field "Nova Poshta, Description for TTN by default"? There are no variables https://cabinet.tehno...
7 replies
We cannot create TTN for departments that did not work for the first month of the war.
We cannot create TTN for departments that did not work in the first month of the war, but now they are already working. Examples in the new mail,...
1 answer
02.06.2022, 12:51
TTN is not added to the registry
Order https://crm.dobavki.ua/528951/ 2022-06-02 12:37:08 created TTN, evident from history https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/history/orders/528951/?system...
2 answer
02.06.2022, 02:02
Type of administration for locking + add the type of administration "Documents"
I live. 1. Chi іsnuіє tak nalashtuvannya for automatic closing of TTN, schob select the type of vіdpravlennja for zamovchennyam - "Vantage&quo...
2 answer
26.05.2022, 14:01
Changing the status of new mail
Good day Changing the status of new mail "new mail to check the right of the clerk" to "The clerk independently created the bill of ...
3 answer
24.05.2022, 11:56
NovaPoshta_CronHourDefault vіdpratsovuє 27 hvilin
https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ Please tell me why NovaPoshta_CronHourDefault is correct 27 minutes and what can I do? While t...
1 answer
23.05.2022, 15:46
Not looking for Ukrainian mail addresses
Order https://crm.dobavki.ua/522613/ Ukr mail delivery method is specified, integration is enabled I enter anything in the address field - addresse...
All addresses have disappeared and the Nova Poshta application does not work
https://tiva.crm-onebox.com/ - CRM did not work in the morning (judging by the forum, not only here). Now the CRM is working, but all the addresses...
3 answer
19.05.2022, 19:13
500 error due to Ukrainian mail
Order example https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/order/2260243/edit/ Here integration with Ukrainian mail, at the moment it does not work (...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
11.05.2022, 12:45
make new mail fields available in the /api/orders/get/ method
you need to get access to the TTN fields of the new process (interface block "TTN parameters") in /api/orders/get/ please evaluate boxing...