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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

1 answer
26.07.2022, 14:20
Mandatory filling does not see that the field is filled
https://box.ltec.com.ua/13990/ an example of the process In the interface settings, the "defect file" field must be filled in As we can ...
2 answer
25.07.2022, 17:40
Add app buttons
Please consider adding the function "disable the display of buttons for adding a new application", or even better, remove them in princip...
10 replies
25.07.2022, 17:13
non-clickable icons
application icons are not clicked or launched in the saunapro.1b.app onebox cabinet at the same time, in the next tab in the sptest2.1b.app office,...
4 answer
25.07.2022, 16:59
Next field by pressing TAB
https://1b.app/ru/forum/interface/2109-dobavit-vozmozhnost-na-ves-boks---tab/ Tell me, please, will it appear in the future or is it possible to im...
How to sort the dropdown list taken from the directory? Basic sorting by id is not always convenient.
2 answer
25.07.2022, 13:10
Interface block Attached files
Interface block Attached files, settings are when a file is selected, it displays like this , two lines Copy the selected files to the process. I...
6 replies
no multilingual fields for product categories
In the settings, I enabled checkboxes for multilingual fields for categories but the fields were not added here is an example category https://lum...
6 replies
How to add a quick order status change without entering it in the table view?
When I display Orders in a table, to change the stage of the order, you need to click on it and start typing the name of the stage from the keyboar...
13 replies
14.07.2022, 20:25
Lost language when moving to another page
Hello. I choose the Ukrainian language, when I switch to another page or when saving, the language becomes Russian. By default I tried to put Ukrai...
5 replies
11.07.2022, 11:44
MOV interface in components
"Light" mov interface when switching to components https://smile.1b.app/