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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.12.2020, 10:52
PopUp window with instructions for the employee
Now there is an action: Set a script (instruction) for this stage What needs to be improved and how it works: 1. Add a checkmark to this action 2....
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.12.2020, 11:53
PopUp window with instructions for the employee
Now there is an action: Set a script (instruction) for this stage What needs to be improved and how it works: 1. Add a checkmark to this action 2....
2 answer
19.12.2020, 09:37
Product List - Improvements
We offer to simplify and speed up the work with the list of products: https://prnt.sc/w5ve5d Add buttons "delete", "restore", &...
2 answer
18.12.2020, 11:44
Scroll in the product card
Example https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/30337/edit/ In the product card, I click "Price settings" https://prnt.sc/w5...
2 answer
17.12.2020, 13:53
Client's latest business processes - Improvement
Thank you for adding improvements to the interface, namely the display of information in the block that the client has no recent processes. https:/...
3 answer
17.12.2020, 10:19
My process calendar
Good afternoon. How can I hide these support calls from the calendar? - https://prnt.sc/w4irgp
white letters on white background on stage buttons
Good afternoon. After today's nightly update, the text of the buttons is no longer readable if they are made on a white background. Here is an ...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.12.2020, 09:25
Category sorting
Good afternoon, tell me, now the sorting of categories in the "Category Manager" and "Products" is completely opposite (In the ...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
14.12.2020, 10:34
Adjusting the weary sorting of goods on the site Template23
How to install a tired sorting of goods "for a number of processes"? І on a live site and on a mobile one. Number of adjustments does not...
13 replies
14.12.2020, 00:14
White font on a dark stage background wherever there are stages
Please make the display of white font on a dark background wherever the stages are displayed