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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

21 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
09.03.2021, 17:38
How to disable discount in personal account for price levels??
Price levels configured https://prnt.sc/10h88vd Product example https://onebox.ossaframes.com/admin/shop/products/18944/edit/ I log in under the cl...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
08.03.2021, 16:24
Personal menu settings are not reset
Here https://onebox.ossaframes.com/admin/shop/menu/settings/ Reset settings https://prnt.sc/10g5r35 After the reset, the button remains and when ed...
2 answer
Is it possible to display one product image for visualization in the minimum reserve?
Is it possible to display one product image for visualization in the minimum reserve? I have 13000 SKUs, I would like to visualize the products whe...
2 answer
04.03.2021, 18:11
Error 500
Good afternoon! When moving from the product card to the Processes tab https://prnt.sc/10d0y3s gives error 500 Please correct.
6 replies
Employee left menu
good afternoon! how to set up BP sorting in the left menu of employees? If you log in as an administrator and through the access rights setting, th...
1 answer
Where in the settings you can change the shopIDValue, the number has changed, you need to replace ....?
Hello!! Where in the settings you can change the shopIDValue, the number has changed, you need to replace ....?
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.03.2021, 17:48
Modify the "Document Viewer" block - add a checkmark "display additional documents from subprocesses"
Modify the "Document Viewer" block - add a checkbox "display additional documents from subprocesses", when enabled, all documen...
2 answer
01.03.2021, 16:36
Conditions for displaying fields
For some reason, the fields are hidden selectively. https://prnt.sc/10agdhv Custom fields are not hidden. Is it fixable? https://prnt.sc/10agea8
17 replies
Тзов Екомора
01.03.2021, 13:26
Incorrect work of additional work Display information on warehouses and suppliers according to the access rights of the employee
https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/grid/product/ in the customization of the template https://prnt.sc/10a9rto at the depositor card of the product є dіy...
2 answer
01.03.2021, 10:53
"copy action" not working
https://prnt.sc/10a4ict Copy doesn't work in action menu And it seems to us better to call the action "duplicate" so as not to confus...