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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

2 answer
input fields broken
something with the input fields has become neto. selection list opens unknown where
2 answer
08.02.2022, 00:02
OS: The field in the universal block is not displayed correctly
Guys, please fix this field. Somehow it doesn't display very well Here is an example of the process https://our-store.com.ua/40700/
3 answer
02.02.2022, 10:14
OS - Bug - Notifications
When you click on the arrow next to the username, NOT a menu is opened, but a list of notifications.
3 answer
01.02.2022, 14:30
OS - Open procedures
Please add the ability to open the list of procedures from the stage action editor. It is strange that in this place the truncated menu. Thank you.
1 answer
22.01.2022, 22:20
Application icons
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
22.01.2022, 13:42
Number of URL characters in the Links app
Good afternoon, please increase the number of characters in the URL field. Example URL for a business process with a filter: https://owwa.crm-onebo...
2 answer
10.01.2022, 12:27
Interface block "Products by table": add functionality to cell highlighting.
Please consider in the interface block "Products in a table", namely in the settings for highlighting Cells / Rows, add the ability to se...
1 answer
10.01.2022, 10:42
OS - Bug - Menu overlay
Can I fix the filter dropdown overlay?
1 answer
04.01.2022, 11:37
OS - Bug - Text overlay when table header is fixed
When the title is fixed, the text is overlaid. Can this be fixed?
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.01.2022, 10:24
OS - PopUp window with instructions for the employee
Here is a topic with support for revision, where there is no developer reaction https://1b.app/ru/forum/interface/4751-popup-okno-s-instruktsiey-dl...