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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with price platforms and marketplaces»

9 replies
06.11.2020, 15:51
import orders from rozetka
Hello, orders do not enter the box with rozetka please solve the problem order in rozetka account settings in box https://box.optodess.com.ua/admi...
2 answer
Bug when generating a price list for Rozetka
Please fix the bug. Link to xml file for Rosette https://mobileo-lviv.crm-onebox.com/media/export/9.xml When added to a Rozetka product, the catego...
Questions about the functionality of Prom.ua
Do you have questions about functionality? We have done the import of goods and immediately have a number of questions on the functionality. 1. How...
2 answer
04.11.2020, 17:14
Can i?
Can I register my SOFA furniture online store through your platform? i.e. create a Submit) https://salonsofa.com.ua/
6 replies
04.11.2020, 13:32
import of onebox goods from outlet
Hello, is it possible to import goods from rozetka and how is it done and configured?
Integration with Prom.ua stopped working
Good afternoon. Since yesterday, orders from Prom.ua to Box have stopped coming. Before that everything worked. On the other hand, no changes were ...
1 answer
29.10.2020, 15:19
Refinement score
Tell me, how many hours do you need on average to finalize integration with Epicenter?
4 answer
28.10.2020, 14:11
Bug with integration or automation
Good afternoon! Some glitch or bug has occurred. The client placed an order on Rozetka and after a couple of minutes the same client canceled it. I...
3 answer
26.10.2020, 15:33
Display orders from rozetka.ua
Tell me a few questions about the integration of the outlet. How to make orders from the outlet have a name? Now I have an empty place in this plac...
how to understand if the action on the Formation of unloading on the Price platform worked
The action should be triggered once per hour. but I deleted the goods at 10:40, then clicked on the forced unloading checkbox. checked at 11:50 it ...