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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

3 answer
04.04.2022, 11:10
bsg viber
https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/order/2155304/edit/ Process, the client has a mobile number with viber. Earlier integration worked, sent...
5 replies
31.03.2022, 16:15
Integration with Helpcrunch
It is necessary to improve the integration with helpcrunch. Crisp service distributors wrote that integration of One Box with their service is poss...
6 replies
30.03.2022, 14:35
Finalization of the template header in the message
Add a function in the chat that will be enabled by default as a checkbox like here and in the chat settings other so that you can set a certain t...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.03.2022, 17:01
OS - finalize the action of sending messages from the process
Ihor Ustimenko is asking him to make a correction there is simply nothing to pay for work, unfortunately it is necessary that the variables from th...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
13.03.2022, 11:19
OS - telegram integration not working
Bot integration is connected here: https://samboroborona.1b.app/ Set up a minute automatic action Turn a Telegram message into a business process E...
1 answer
12.03.2022, 09:02
Telegram investment: Check client's open business processes
A very useful functionality for each user of integration with Telegram: a checkbox, when activated, when a new message is sent to tg from a client,...
5 replies
21.02.2022, 11:42
Rate the Viber update
It is necessary to enter variables into viber buttons (the variables that are of most interest are [orderid] and [url_change_status:statusID]) Plea...
Telegram message not showing
There was a question, there was no answer for a week https://1b.app/ru/forum/messengers_and_chats/13057-ne-otobrazhaetsya-soobshcheni...
2 answer
14.02.2022, 10:50
switching stages with a variable in the Viber button
Hello! is it possible to configure the viber keyboard button to change the status of the process? tried to configure it like this: https://take.ms/...
Message from telegrams is not displayed (one, all others are displayed)
Here is the process https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/messengers/220456/edit/ We see 2 messages from the user There are 3 such mess...