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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with banks and payment systems»

1 answer
04.07.2022, 01:44
How to make a discount on the number of pieces of different items of the same brand
Found only a discount on a category of products. How to make a discount, for example, from 5, 10 pieces of one brand
4 answer
28.06.2022, 11:03
Loading exchange rates for the previous year
Good day, it so happened that we need to upload payments from the private sector for the whole of last year, the box in our company was set up so t...
3 answer
21.06.2022, 14:45
Remove payment methods
https://datapoint.center/ There are 4 payment methods 2 of them are downloaded from the site, but we don't want to use them. When we delete th...
5 replies
There was a glitch with payments
Our payments come to one account (from several Privat24 integrations) and we mark them in the one we need, and then there was a Bug and all payment...
1 answer
Integration does not work once a minute
This action does not work once a minute, you have to run it manually through this checkbox Our portal https://admin.uatech.pro/, you can fix this...
Opencart - coupons, how to get coupon name?
Here are the coupons they are imported into SRM But only the coupon code is imported, and you also need the name in order to add. the field was re...
6 replies
13.06.2022, 12:45
The extract from private individuals is going crazy
Good afternoon, a private statement (action once a minute) delays payments in the future from two different cards of different people Please help.
5 replies
10.06.2022, 10:02
Weekly payments stopped loading in Boxing
External payments stopped loading in Boxing, in private signatures (individual) and boxing is not included! Box https://crm.tdp.com.ua/
35 replies
09.06.2022, 20:47
Payments from the future :)
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/payments/22148/control/ the payment creation date is 2022.06.23 and it came automatically from privat24, and no...
Payments from the future and checkout errors - is it a Bug?
Previously, I already had a problem with decoupling a huge number of payments from orders and inconsistencies in the balance that arose at one mome...