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It is necessary to update the privat24 API for physical. cards

Есть задача по обновлению API компонента?
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There is a problem with duplication of payments. As it turned out, the problem is from privat24, but after talking with those. support turns out to be that we are using the old API (Figure 1).
Here is a quote: "Ask for you at acp.privatbank.ua/api/proxy/transactions, take a look at the new API, be kind, and copy it https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTtKvGa3P4E- lDqLg3bHRF6Wi9S7GIjSMFEFxII5qQZBGxuTXs25hQNiUU1hMZQhOyx6BNvIZ1bVKSr/pub"
Please update :)
Original question is available on version: ru


And what does api/proxy/transactions have to do with it??? The action "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals" knocks on this api https://api.privatbank.ua/#p24/orders .
15.07.2022, 15:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Well I do not know. In logs [url] => https://acp.privatbank.ua/api/proxy/transactions
You can look here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/desktop/
If you need an example of payments, then a transfer is made from fop to a physical card, here is the first payment https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/payments/23374/control/ (they edited the amount so as not to knock down the balance. Here you can look there 4k was https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/history/?url=/app/payments/23374/control/ ), but the same payment https://crm.phdcare.com.ua /app/payments/23375/control/
Something like that. Is there another method?
15.07.2022, 15:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, that's another action, it does not duplicate payments. And what duplicated "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals" in it, the setting appeared to remove the private bug to load payments only for the current day
15.07.2022, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ru

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
Well, that's another action, it does not duplicate payments. And what duplicated "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals" in it, the setting appeared to remove the private bug to load payments only for the current day

So in automation there are jackdaws everywhere. If you write about payments from the future, then this is not it, there is another problem. Specifically outgoing payments from fop to physical are duplicated. I sent you higher payments, can you please see what's wrong then?
15.07.2022, 17:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Pyatetsky Nikolai Nikolaevich Tell me, have you still not solved this problem? And I have a similar situation
26.07.2022, 13:12
Original comment available on version: ru

As far as we understand, the situation is complicated, because there are 3 actions:
1. Action that pulls the payment from the key card (linked to fop)
2. Action that pulls the payment from the card
3. Action that pulls the payment from the account
the second action creates a payment for +100 UAH, and actions 1 and 3 create 2 payments for -100 UAH, because the same payment goes on the card and the account, but they have different IDs, etc., because one is on the card and the second on the account . And they are obtained by different actions and api. As a solution, I would put the action first:
"Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals"
then "Privat24 Autoclient Statement of accounts" with a tick "Search payment by date and amount"
Or would you remove the action that pulls payments on the private key card into the box so that it does not duplicate payments with the action that pulls payments
26.07.2022, 22:52
Original comment available on version: ru

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