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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with banks and payment systems»

2 answer
01.12.2022, 09:58
data is not imported from privat24 for individuals
Settings haven't changed data is not transmitted from the 25th
19 replies
26.11.2022, 09:49
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading. From the evening of 11/25/22. Cron is running. No one changed the settings, but I checked -...
1 answer
02.11.2022, 16:41
Connecting the payment service to the online form
Perfect solution. The client fills in the form, clicks the submit application button (screenshot 1.png), after which a Wayforpay payment window (po...
2 answer
26.10.2022, 19:52
Help with connection to monobank
Good day! After connecting to a monobank token, I can’t know how to create a “daily transfer of transactions from monobank.
1 answer
24.10.2022, 11:50
WAYFORPAY Merchant Website Domain Name What is it? How to specify correctly?
In the action "Create a request for payment in WAYFORPAY" there is a field Home name for the merchant website Do I understand correctly ...
6 replies
20.10.2022, 13:44
The auto client does not work
In private, the functionality of the auto-client has been updated, there is now an api-based application from which you can take an id and a token....
0 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.09.2022, 11:20
Variable "total discount by process"
Hello! Please tell me the variable "total discount for the process" and is it possible to copy it in the additional field?
2 answer
29.09.2022, 11:00
Integration with the Ministry of Finance
We need to download the course from the Ministry of Finance https://minfin.com.ua/currency/ 1. There is integration with them, but the Ministry of ...
2 answer
Personal license
23.09.2022, 15:39
Integration settings Mono payment in installments
Need help setting up the Mono installment payment integration: 1. What data should be transferred in the request 2. The store id field is the stor...
Export payments to Excel
In the old version, under payments, there was a function to export payments to Excel. How can I enable this feature in the new version?