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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

9 replies
Call records are not pulled into processes
Incoming calls are sometimes recorded, sometimes not. Outgoing calls are not recorded. Please tell me how to fix it. Example process. Telephony Bin...
2 answer
Phone number auto-formatting stopped working
Phone number auto-formatting stopped working https://more-moto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/phone_auto_format/ From 00xxxxxxxxxx to xxxxxxxxxxx Tried ...
3 answer
18.06.2021, 10:14
click to call stopped working
Stopped working click to call through boxing. Telephony from Binotel. Error 104. Only one employee does not work. The rest are all right. The line ...
3 answer
17.06.2021, 09:03
Recognition of contacts in events
Good morning, help me deal with telephony in crm: 1. there are calls via binotel (integration is configured) 2. created a contact today using thi...
3 answer
16.06.2021, 18:49
call from crm not working
one of our managers lost the ability to call from crm. Those. now we can call the client from the contact card, all its events are collected, the a...
2 answer
Recording calls in the contact card and orders
1. Telephony Binotel. A call popup window is shown. A contact card is created when making a call. https://more-moto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users...
2 answer
04.06.2021, 13:04
Missed calls from binoculars
https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/ Binotel integration enabled There was a missed call from a client I looked at the logs, we received a push about thi...
1 answer
04.06.2021, 13:03
Missed calls from binoculars
https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/ Binotel integration enabled There was a missed call from a client I looked at the logs, we received a push about thi...
1 answer
04.06.2021, 13:02
Order not created on incoming call
Previously, when an incoming call was made, a new order was automatically created. Now it's giving me a "Creation Error" error. With ...
3 answer
31.05.2021, 13:54
Track the number of transferred calls
Telephony Kyivstar. Is it possible to track the number of calls transferred to other employees? Call example: screenshot 1 In events https://onebo...