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List of related questions and answers «Financial and payment management»

2 answer
04.12.2022, 11:20
Privat24 payments stopped coming up
Good afternoon. Payments from Privat 24 are no longer added to the list of actual payments. Also, the actual balance on the card does not correspon...
19 replies
26.11.2022, 09:49
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading. From the evening of 11/25/22. Cron is running. No one changed the settings, but I checked -...
3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
23.11.2022, 07:49
Link to the check in the checkbox
Hello! Can you please tell me how to send a link to a check to a client from Boxing? When viewing a check in the checkbox, this link is and has th...
3 answer
22.11.2022, 12:39
Please check the correctness of the settings and answer a few questions
api login and api password for settings https://ibb.co/tsPBXj8 taken from the CASHIER login and password https://my.checkbox.ua/dashboard/employees...
7 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
04.11.2022, 15:16
The action does not open
Hello! Action once in a while "Distribute payments without category" is not possible Add a column and write a category where payments wil...
2 answer
26.10.2022, 19:52
Help with connection to monobank
Good day! After connecting to a monobank token, I can’t know how to create a “daily transfer of transactions from monobank.
1 answer
24.10.2022, 11:50
WAYFORPAY Merchant Website Domain Name What is it? How to specify correctly?
In the action "Create a request for payment in WAYFORPAY" there is a field Home name for the merchant website Do I understand correctly ...
6 replies
20.10.2022, 13:44
The auto client does not work
In private, the functionality of the auto-client has been updated, there is now an api-based application from which you can take an id and a token....
2 answer
Personal license
13.10.2022, 15:17
Error when opening a new shift by a user (cashier)
https://senseeducation.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/81/action/new/ specified a test license key from the cash register checkbox I'm tryin...
2 answer
Personal license
13.10.2022, 13:43
Where can I get the PRRO license key?
in the action of opening the cash register there is a field license key prro where to get it? found the answer in the top https://1b.app/ru/forum/...