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List of related questions and answers «CRM and Funnels»

1 answer
27.02.2023, 18:10
Questions about the action "Find process and merge with current"
Searched for a solution how it is possible to merge two processes into one and came across the action "Find process and merge with the current one"...
10 replies
27.02.2023, 14:25
Duplicate control
Is it possible in the system to control the processes that enter the funnel in such a way that the value of the field (or additional or contact fie...
1 answer
19.02.2023, 10:10
Installing an SSL certificate
Good day. You need to install an SSL certificate on box.traier-ukraine.com.ua
SSL certificate
Good day! You need to install a certificate on the server. What will be the cost of the service? Thank you!
3 answer
ТОРГОБОРУД начальник відділу зі збуту
16.02.2023, 10:15
Saving filters fly away
for example, in the led section, I choose a display method, I use it during the day, but with a certain periodicity this method independently chang...
3 answer
05.02.2023, 12:40
Dragging processes as in mob. versions
Here https://rivcont.info/app/crm-2/ you need to implement a switch on the desktop the same as on the mob. version https://take.ms/4IeSo Ideally, i...
5 replies
04.01.2023, 12:57
Full name and client do not match in the list of processes
The table of orders displays the client and next to the columns his full name and contact But for some reason there is a full name of the left cli...
2 answer
03.01.2023, 12:01
Onebox Network
Unable to send the process through OneBox Network, the error shows that there is no email or phone number of the customer, although it is all filled
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.12.2022, 11:22
Does not save a record for the company here balistyka
/network/company/config/ We create our company and fill in the data, but when saving, it gives an error, as in chest 1227
2 answer
09.12.2022, 15:07
Unable to send process through Onebox Network
The error states that a phone number or e-mail must be specified, it is written in the contact card, everything is sent from the admin account, but...