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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015900068 - Applied to the block of the remaining business processes of the client
In the block of the rest of the client's business processes, an adjustment was added "For locking, sort the processes by the date of creat...
2015899411 - Added the ability to edit the process in PDF through the client's office
In the client's office, the possibility of editing the process in PDF has been added. For whom, "Button to friend (PDF)" appeared in ...
2015900000 - Updated in the "Import application from Rozetka Seller API" section
For the "Importing a name from Rozetka Seller API" section, the option "Import the name of the owner and owner" has been added.
2015899941 - Added the type of correction when molding ТТН Novoї Poshti
In the automatic mode and in the case of manual folding of the TTN New mail, the type of administration "Document" was added
2015899705 - Added the completion in the "Create a product from the process based on additive watering the product of the process"
For the "Create a product from a process based on additional watering to a process" added "Brand (name)" - allows you to transf...
2015899733 - Added change for additional watering of products in the process
For additional fields of products in the process with order/row type, a change was added to the customOrderproduct_XXX_short type - to shorten the ...
3 answer
Personal license
02.06.2022, 16:54
OS desktop
1. I see they have added the ability to create additional desktops. But when I select + from the new table, it switches to 1b.app instead of select...
2015899416 - Added to the installation of additional fields
In the settings of the addendum field with the type of process adder, the following checkboxes are added: - shukati only processes, such as having ...
2015899430 - Added functionality for the import of goods
For the import of goods, it was added that the first hour of the file was loaded to the filter.
2015896177 - Updated in the "Export processes to Google Spreadsheets" section
Before the "Export of processes to Google Spreadsheets" section, the "Get the sheet id from the additional field of the process&quot...