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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015897365 - Added new integration with sms service
Added a new integration with the sms update service my.smsbat
2015897442 - Added functionality of integration with Telegram
For dії times on the note "Turn Telegram notifications into a business process" a field with the choice of an additional field has been a...
2015897017 - Added "Search to process" block
Added a new interface block to the "Search process" process. In customizing the block, you can set fields, the block is displayed in the ...
2015897368 - Extended the "Add products from one process to another" task
For the "Add products from one process to another" task, it was added that when transferring products from one process to another, the fo...
2015897050 - Added to the implementation of the export of goods
For the purpose of exporting goods, the statutory order "Adjust prices for commodity propositions" was added.
2015896680 - Added functionality of access rights to stocks in warehouses
Added access rights item "Storage in warehouses: Export to": Permit these groups of koristuvachіv, as it is necessary.
2015897202 - Added block to process
A block is added - which is a way to show all the in-line, closed, closed/closed lines. The block has a polished: - deputy processes of the client,...
2015896679 - Additional warehouse functionality
Added to the implementation of "Permit to take the reserve in the warehouse only to the coristuvachev, which after placing the goods in the re...
2015896566 - Implementation of universal import
Added to the implementation of the universal import "Prefix to the article number of the product"
2015896448 - Added functionality of integration with Bitrix
1. In the "Import products of this category from Bitrix" section, the "Do not import price" checkbox is added 2. In the "E...