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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

as a work, so that the process automatically switches to the next stage in the fallow time - set the next task.
as a work, so that the process automatically switches to the next stage in the fallow time - set the next task.
1 answer
12.01.2022, 17:54
The process product field does not work correctly
In the table of process products https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/fiksatsiya-rezultatov-marketingovogo-analiz... the drop-down mult...
11 replies
12.01.2022, 06:48
copy the name of the selected NP integration into the additional field
there is a need to configure automation, depending on the selected New Mail office. what action can be used to copy (or otherwise check) its name? ...
3 answer
12.01.2022, 00:06
Action Reserve process content in warehouse does not work
Action Reserve process content in warehouse does not work Bp example: https://box.lurestore.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/92697/edit/ https://box...
6 replies
11.01.2022, 17:08
Refine price rounding and process discount prices
Good afternoon. There is a problem with rounding values in processes and passing them via api https://crm.ohrana.ua/ I will describe what result is...
17 replies
11.01.2022, 15:16
Product import block not working
BP Posting, stage Order for posting. In the import block, I select a file to upload, select the required fields in the system to upload values (art...
4 answer
11.01.2022, 12:02
Add custom variables to action - Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met
Good afternoon. Previously, they did revision https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes/11380-otsenit-dorabotku-deystviya-vic...
1 answer
11.01.2022, 11:47
Not Equal condition does not work
Process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2244398/edit/ There are 2 additional process fields: First Responsible and S...
Good afternoon. HTTP error ERROR 500 when trying to open box.inal.com.ua How to eliminate?
3 answer
05.01.2022, 10:21
How to create a sub-process to a task by opening it from the Creation form
Good afternoon. There is such a question. Being in the process, you need to create a subprocess, while this type of process is created from the cre...