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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

1 answer
11.04.2022, 13:34
Storekeeper is unable to ship the order
https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/1964426/ Tell me what you need to add in the access settings for the storekeeper so that he can transfer the shipment...
1 answer
06.04.2022, 14:31
Save error
Order https://crm.dobavki.ua/502782/ I'm trying to switch to the New Promise status - it freezes and then sees an error that is not related to ...
1 answer
02.04.2022, 05:03
BAG when specifying the type of additional field of the process product "number integer" "formula" is missing
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/app/workflow/orderproductfield/ when specifying the type of additional field of the process product "number integ...
2 answer
01.04.2022, 14:11
The status of several processes does not change
Hello. I'm trying to cancel all orders https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/workflowtype-order/?statusid%5B%5D=67&...
Additional values are not copied. fields with genus. process
Good afternoon. The task is to periodically check the values of add. fields in the parent process and copy to subprocesses. For some reason, the va...
4 answer
23.03.2022, 11:23
Procedure runs every minute
Procedure runs every minute Is there a procedure Should fire when changes It has the action "Set process execution/scheduling date based on a...
2 answer
16.03.2022, 17:57
OS - Question - Multiple Clients
By analogy with linked processes, where you can select several responsible, is it possible to create processes for several clients at once? Those. ...
1 answer
11.03.2022, 18:09
OS - Improvement - Add ability to select PSU groups
We offer to make it possible to select certain types of PSU. At the moment, the entire list of active PSU types drops out at once. It would be conv...
1 answer
11.03.2022, 18:00
OS - Question - Settings univ. block
Some incomprehensible settings of the "parent process". What do these numbers 100 * 100 A5 mean? And why is this?
1 answer
21.02.2022, 19:33
OS - Bug - Procedure button
Until the button is displayed in the process and is not pressed at least once, the button in the universal block does not work at all. If you press...