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Application Questions and Answers «Workflows constructor»

System failure
Good afternoon. Today we found that we have all the actions in the configured processes turned off. This is fine? https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/admin...
3 answer
07.10.2022, 15:48
Error when trying to deploy a business process from a json image
Error when trying to deploy a business process from a json image
2 answer
07.10.2022, 11:11
The field values are not saved when the device is received for repair.
When accepting for repair, the field values are not saved, the system gives an error "about not being filled". These fields are connected...
10 replies
Does not store value in field with type
Today, the Senders field in Dealer Orders stopped filling in, we cannot enter a value in these fields https://prnt.sc/SDHE92tKCl4I, test order http...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.10.2022, 13:36
How to improve your business: Send contact to a partner
How to add partners to the establishment of business, how to correct the data of contacts screen 1355 Network uvemknuta nalashtovano screen 1356 an...
10 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.09.2022, 12:30
Process amount with discount
Hello! In the process, there is a discount amount in UAH and a discount amount in %. In the final part of the process, the amount in the "Tota...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.09.2022, 12:14
Grouping products in the table
Hello! How not to add the same product in a new line in the product table, but add a quantity. Now this is implemented through the Product Search b...
4 answer
19.09.2022, 17:38
PIB is not updated, after editing
In Zagalnyy perelik business process (in my opinion tse Lidi) PIB is not updated after updating the data in the contact. For example, the client ha...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
13.09.2022, 18:37
Block search for products in the process interface
Hello! Please rate the update: 1. In the "Product Search" block, the ability to add a product by clicking on the name 2. When adding an ...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
13.09.2022, 18:15
Filter panel. Number of processes in status and stage
Hello! How can I set the number of processes by status to be displayed in the filter by Business Process and stages? Screenshot is attached.