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Application Questions and Answers «WhatsApp Chat-Api»

3 answer
27.08.2021, 09:47
Integration with WhatsApp
Connecting the Chat-Api service. Є dvі dії at BP: 1. Send notifications by whatsapp to the client 2. Send message to Whatsapp Catering: what is the...
12 replies
18.03.2021, 13:14
An assessment of integration with the 2GIS service is required. It is necessary to parse data from the 2gis service and place them in the appropria...
2 answer
12.02.2021, 16:40
Remove fields
When creating a new order, this field is displayed for me. When I click the "additional contacts" button, my home list expands. fields. e...
17 replies
WhatsApp integration
We set up the integration, messages from Onebox are sent, but if the client writes to WhatsApp for a valid order, messages are not loaded in CRM. h...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
11.11.2020, 16:29
Evaluate the refinement of multi-integration with Whatsapp (Chat-Api)
You need to be able to connect multiple accounts. How long will the revision take?
2 answer
10.11.2020, 18:29
Question about adding a contact
Good afternoon, my clients are law firms. I add contacts simply to know who I am communicating with, and I need to add only the full name and posit...
Project for an online store. Solving customer needs.
The client has his own online store, the store runs on OpenCart. The system is planned to be used to improve communication with customers. At the m...
7 replies
01.10.2020, 18:20
We propose to simplify the interface elements
1. Remove unnecessary icons - https://prnt.sc/urbog7 Now everyone already knows what phone numbers and emails look like. These icons create extra n...
1 answer
27.08.2020, 11:51
whatsapp business
https://www.whatsapp.com/business/api?hsFormKey=0429a2c594a740dbf8c051a2d7b0ca43 In WhatsApp Business, the customer has product catalogs. How many ...
2013677030 - The functionality of the universal contact loader has been improved
Added the ability to load standard contact card fields: Channel (Source); skype; whatsapp; Date of creation; Web site.