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Application Questions and Answers «Ukrposhta»

2 answer
04.07.2021, 12:34
Ukrposhta integration. Ukrposhta TTN is not automatically created. Go to statuses
1. When TTN is automatically created, it gives an error. An example of an order - https://admin.newtrend.team/admin/customorder/order/2471277/edit/...
3 answer
track number is not tracked
https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/13221/edit/ why the track number is not tracked how to be?
Ukrposhta. Auto return settings.
Hello. Ukrposhta has auto-return options: 1. turn after the save term 2.turn in 7 calendar days 3. look at how the manager is, how the manager is g...
1 answer
23.11.2020, 12:00
How to create a parcel for 2 places of Ukrposhta
Good afternoon. How can I create a shipment for 2 places in Ukrposhta? https://prnt.sc/voajzc
15 replies
Ukrposhta status not being processed
Ukrposhta integration with parcel statuses does not work correctly 1. "Return for the return address: for the destination address" 2. Ret...