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Application Questions and Answers «Suppliers and price lists»

4 answer
01.12.2021, 21:43
Vendor Integrations
https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/ 4 integrations with suppliers are configured: Import data from an ERC provider Import data fr...
Out of stock status for vendor
Good afternoon! Is it possible somehow in the system for a particular supplier to make all goods "out of stock"?
2 answer
Formation of the selling price of the product, taking the largest ppm from one of the suppliers
Good afternoon. Tell me, is there any functionality in OneBox where you can set up the logic for transferring the sale price of a product, taking o...
6 replies
09.11.2021, 17:46
Add the Availability field from the product card to https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/product/supplier/list/
Good afternoon. Need an estimate here https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/product/supplier/list/ add the Availability field from the product card http://jo...
7 replies
08.11.2021, 15:23
Changes in the work of Downloading suppliers' prices
1. Previously, after loading the price list, the page for linking goods was opened and the supplier was selected in the filter for which the downlo...
Integration with South Torg
It is necessary to evaluate the refinement, integration with Yug-torg (https://b2b.yugtorg.com) to process their price lists https://b2b.yugtorg.co...
1 answer
21.10.2021, 13:57
Additional provider options
in the providers settings it is possible to set additional parameters , what do they affect? are they applied by default somewhere without setting...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
12.10.2021, 12:09
Rate improvements by product
1) Modify in the price list import: - the ability to write a value in an additional field of several fields - possibility to specify the variable ...
1 answer
04.10.2021, 12:10
No supplier contact/company field
there is no field to fill in the supplier's contact. Although it has always been and it is necessary to work with the logic of suppliers. Corre...
11 replies
03.10.2021, 22:59
The price is not displayed when loading the price list
Good afternoon. I'm trying to download a price list from google doc and when "Confirming the correct recognition of the price list" t...