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Application Questions and Answers «Price and stock recalculation»

3 answer
01.07.2021, 11:44
Recalculation of prices taking into account the warehouse
https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/ There are 2 postings to the XXX warehouse: 1. 1 piece of goods for 10 UAH 2. 1 piece for 20 UAH I recalculate pric...
15 replies
06.04.2021, 20:01
Download and process supplier price list
Good afternoon. I set automatic actions to update the supplier's price list, but for some reason not all products are updated. The product is n...
16 replies
Personal license
14.03.2021, 10:12
Irrelevant availability from 1 night to 9th morning
The client mentioned the problem with the current availability of goods. In the 1st year of the night, the price change is calculated: https://prnt...
15 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
13.03.2021, 14:21
The setting "Update product availability after a transaction" / update-avail-after-balance does not work
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/settings/storage/ There is a checkmark: Update product visibility after a transaction It is written in the descr...
2 answer
26.02.2021, 23:22
Presence setting in action Generic Products Import (xml/json)
Hello. 1) Please tell me, if the XML file contains the quantity of goods https://prnt.sc/107v9lj , then in which field it will be correct to indica...
Report: Balance forecast and purchase calculation. How does he work?
Good afternoon. Where does the value of the column Forecast balance come from and how is it used to calculate the recommended order?
1 answer
04.02.2021, 09:24
Product availability
Good afternoon, the products have the quantity and availability of goods, tell me how to make the availability depend on the quantity, if more than...
Error The price is being updated incorrectly
Error The price is being updated incorrectly Є product https://rovo.org.ua/poyas-dlya-pidsumka-koburi-trimacha-molotka-810mm-1120mm-mtx... E e...
13 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
24.12.2020, 12:56
The system regularly changes price levels, why
Here is an example https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/62999/history/?userid=&systemchange=1...
4 answer
23.12.2020, 14:41
BUG. Item recalculation not working
Good afternoon. Please help me figure it out. Goods which are not available can not be recalculated price http://box.agro-him.com.ua/admin/shop/pro...