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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

4 answer
10.08.2021, 11:07
increase default filters for categories
Client box https://igrushka.crm-onebox.com/admin/ There is a category https://igrushka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/category/1027/ you need to increas...
4 answer
10.08.2021, 09:12
product photos
Good afternoon, on Saturday all product photos were deleted from the system. And from this period, photos of goods are deleted every night. I did n...
8 replies
09.08.2021, 15:24
Unable to add main image to product.
Unable to add main image to product. https://bobrdobr2.crm-onebox.com/app/product/70/edit/#done Video: https://youtu.be/NOdStQPu9xE In the develope...
15 replies
BAAs Dev.
07.08.2021, 10:16
Lost all photos from all products
Dear friends, we need your emergency help. In the morning, the working day started not BRIGHTLY at all, ERRORS began on the feeds of uploads to tra...
8 replies
05.08.2021, 15:17
Product linking when selling by filter
Client box https://forled.com.ua/admin/ There is a product https://forled.com.ua/admin/shop/products/7778091/edit/ it has a filter it is necessary...
11 replies
05.08.2021, 12:01
The number of characters for the product name.
Each platform has some "rules" (sometimes conditional) on the number of characters in the name. For example: On OLX, the system does not ...
7 replies
05.08.2021, 09:11
Missing field information
Hello! Missing information from the text field (html). These actions lead to the removal of information from the field: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
1 answer
04.08.2021, 09:26
Error when adding blocks in the product card interface
It is impossible to add anything to this block, here is how it looks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqsmUKUeH0M
4 answer
03.08.2021, 23:36
Set the supplier for the products according to the brand settings of the suppliers - if the brand is not assigned to the product
Good evening. Automation action once a day - Set a supplier for products according to the brand settings for suppliers, if a brand is not assigned ...
3 answer
02.08.2021, 13:58
Minimum reserve
Good afternoon! The "Products in the list" does not display the minimum reserve of the product, although it is specified in the card. Wha...