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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

9 replies
24.09.2021, 09:50
Product range table does not work correctly
Darow. Here in the model range table it is very inconvenient to work. When saving any data (Figure 1) everything returns to the beginning of the t...
1 answer
22.09.2021, 13:28
The field in the model range table is not selected or edited. OneBox OS
https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/app/product/52682/edit/ field "Description____" is not editable in the lineup block.
1 answer
21.09.2021, 09:14
image is not loaded in the additional field of the process product
In the task https://ukrpromspec.com.ua/admin/customorder/prodazhi/192476/edit/ in the additional field of the product of the process "Image pp...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
16.09.2021, 23:12
Incorrectly displays the image on the site on hover and does not show the image #3
Here is the product https://baza.cn.ua/product/58225/ When hovering over a picture, show photo No. 3, which is not below I suppose that the sorting...
1 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
16.09.2021, 14:49
Content management does not work. Bug. OneBoxOS.
We select a product in the list of products, edit in bulk and try to select the "Content Management" item. But nothing happens Please co...
1 answer
15.09.2021, 19:33
Customizing the interface in the product card
In the universal block in the order, it is possible to hide it for certain roles Can I make a similar setting for the universal block in the produ...
1 answer
11.09.2021, 09:54
OS - URL prefix bug
Good afternoon, new products are not automatically prefixed with a URL. Example https://box.metrader.com.ua/app/product/207549/edit/
7 replies
10.09.2021, 12:05
Correction and revision. OneBoxOS. Work with products and model range
box monoshop.crm-onebox.com 1. Improve the ability to select products in the formula (Fig. 1) so that you can both change the value of these field...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 12:52
Displaying additional product fields depending on the category additional product fields
In the additional fields of products, you can select a category. But the fields, all are displayed in a bunch in the product card, regardless of th...
2 answer
07.09.2021, 10:06
Creating a barcode
Can you please tell me how to manually select the products for which you need to create a barcode? + Where can I find the price tags section in OS?