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Application Questions and Answers «Prom.ua (xls)»

13 replies
09.08.2022, 11:14
Export Characteristics to Prom.
Quote about the export of characteristics on Prom The bottom line is that the characteristics of the post-chief leader have one name, but on the in...
2 answer
10.06.2022, 14:46
Upload to prom by sorting
Please rate the cost of completion in unloading on prom. It is necessary that the goods be unloaded by sorting from expensive to cheap.
6 replies
Personal license
02.06.2022, 17:53
Problem in "Product type" transmission
in the xls upload settings, the type of product "sold in wholesale and retail" was specified But in the file, the product has the type &...
1 answer
19.05.2022, 13:21
The problem of exporting goods to prom.ua
Hello! There are problems with exporting goods to prom.ua(xls) : The file contains incorrect links to product images Ошибка при импорте на Проме - ...
1 answer
06.01.2022, 12:59
incorrectly created a price platform
Here is the xls setting, but for some reason xml was written in the title Accordingly, when trying to open - an error https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com...
3 answer
28.12.2021, 19:46
The export file for Prom.ua is not created correctly
Hello. The other day, prom stopped accepting a file from yuox in xls format. When opening the file, it gives the following error: https://monosnap....
price xls not generated
here is the price list https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/priceplaces/?id=16 Here is the automation https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/admin/a...
7 replies
06.12.2021, 21:45
Import orders from prom - pulled up a remote product
https://rivcont.info/2596357/ Pulled up the product https://rivcont.info/app/product/6442/edit/ (remote) Should have pulled the product https://riv...
6 replies
Personal license
01.12.2021, 18:37
OS: Product filters are not included in the upload file (xls)
We form uploading to the Prom business "PromUA / Export products in XLS format" We tried it in different places: https://monosnap.com/fil...
6 replies
Upload error to PROM
added new products to the box, updated the picture on some of them. prom began to swear at these products, in particular at the picture of the prod...