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Application Questions and Answers «Payments and cashbox»

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06.10.2023, 12:19
The amount in the cash register and the total are calculated incorrectly
The amount in the cash register and the total are calculated incorrectly. Tell me how to fix this?
Bug with payments and accrual of bonus
There was such a problem. For any incoming payment in each process, the client is erroneously credited with a bonus in the amount of the entire inc...
2 answer
28.07.2023, 12:39
Incorrectly makes a payment in the task
Hello! In the task https://topbox.1b.app/11440/ there is one product worth 370 UAH (process amount). The task also contains an incoming payment in ...
2 answer
25.07.2023, 09:28
Search is not working properly
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/payments/ in the "Process" field, you can search for a process and link it. Previously, you could specify the order...
2 answer
10.07.2023, 11:37
Automatically allocate customer payments across processes
Hello! Please tell me the automation logic once per hour for the action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" This functionalit...
3 answer
04.07.2023, 16:53
Incorrectly calculated the amount in the cash register
Incorrectly calculated the amount in the cash register. How to fix this glitch?
2 answer
07.05.2023, 13:26
Payment binding. Error
Good afternoon, there was a problem, unloaded payments are sometimes automatically pulled up to one client for some reason * Lyudmila. In these pay...
2 answer
04.04.2023, 12:32
Customer balance. Bug
Good day https://orc-test.kiev.ua/20623/ https://orc-test.kiev.ua/app/contact/78/ According to duties, everything is ok in the process https://www....
3 answer
03.04.2023, 13:03
payments made in processes are not displayed
In the general table of business processes, the "Paid" column does not display payments made in the processes https://topbox.1b.app/app/workflowtyp...
3 answer
06.02.2023, 18:02
Decrease Amount Received
In the Payments and cash register application, there is a block with a limit and the received amount on the right side panel. persons Is it possibl...