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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

5 replies
07.08.2023, 16:56
Good day. Please provide up-to-date data to integrate OpenCart version with OneBox OS.
2 answer
01.08.2023, 11:11
restore categories from backups
restore categories from backups
5 replies
orders do not go from opencart to box
orders from open cards do not come to the box one order came from the list https://prnt.sc/fP1H8TiRqN9m the rest of the latest orders do not fly in...
6 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
24.07.2023, 14:18
Orders not coming
Integration with OpenCart. Orders do not enter, goods are not imported https://polax-onebox.1b.app/app/opencart-1/ IP box in the allowed list In lo...
9 replies
22.07.2023, 16:17
Write the IP of the site in the box
Good day. It used to be necessary to register the site's ip in the box for the integration with opencart to work. Do you need this now?
1 answer
18.07.2023, 09:29
deleting product photos other than the main photo
Good afternoon. We import goods from Opencart into the box using the "Import products from Opencart" hourly action: Previously, this checkbox w...
5 replies
18.07.2023, 08:14
Frequency of importing processes from OpenCart
Good afternoon. There is an action "Import processes from Opencart": When enabled, it fires every minute. How to make some integrations work not p...
10 replies
orders from openkart disappear in the box, they are not displayed
Orders from Openkart box seem to pick up, send a letter, change the status of the order in Openkart, give a business process number ...
Orders from Openkart are not delivered to the box
reinstalled the openkart 3 site set up the integration orders came in at first, but there were errors in the buyer's name, then they stopped ...
2 answer
07.07.2023, 13:38
Images not loading after editing
We did an update "Import only the main image of the product." For some products, photos from opencart are not loaded. https://1b.app/en/forum/integ...