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Application Questions and Answers «Nova Poshta»

0 replies
14.06.2024, friday, 17:38
Date ttn
Good afternoon, can you tell me how I can create an automatic TTN for the desired date?
Finalization_Editing TTN New mail
Good afternoon You can evaluate the following by new mail: The ability to edit the TTN after its creation, namely the Recipient field (full name an...
0 replies
16.05.2024, 17:04
Sending to the organization of FOP and LLC
It does not work to fill out the NP and send it to the FOP or LLC. I am attaching a photo of the error. The ID code is added, but the program does ...
Integration with NovaPay
Good day! You can consider integration with the NovaPay service Integration is required by analogy with mono and private, so that payment statement...
Mass printing of TTN through the function "Print TTN by processes"
Good day! You can evaluate the improvement of the following functionality: In the list of orders, we use this function of printing ТТН https://prnt...
Refinement is required
Add automation for adding TTNs that go to us to the process. That is, the action searches for TTN integration that are directed TO us, and adds TTN...
2 answer
28.03.2024, 11:38
Incorrect notifications in the box about the statuses of parcels from new mail
This is how notifications started to appear on the screen, we did not change anything in the box as far as np is concerned At the same time, every...
4 answer
Is it possible to choose the sender's organization when creating a TTN NP?
Good day. I did not find the option to set it up so that you can choose the sender when creating the New Poshta TTN. The sender is set only from th...
0 replies
19.03.2024, 16:56
The parcel was sent to an address that does not match the address in progress
The package was sent to an address that does not match the address in process. With this error, the incorrect address is the first branch of the ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.01.2024, 09:40
A bug, when creating a TTN, the customer's phone number, which has nothing to do with the order, is pulled
Good afternoon, we cannot create a TTN of Nova Poshta, because the phone number of another client is pulled up during creation Process: https://ow...