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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.05.2023, 11:08
I am looking for a contractor to connect Asterisk telephony
I am interested in the price of the Asterisk telephone connection robot at the minimum: - make click-to-call from the card, from the task, from the...
2 answer
26.05.2023, 09:44
Run minute cron
Run minute cron box https://dai-spisat.1box.link/
2 answer
25.05.2023, 14:34
Obtaining the availability of goods from the supplier Brain
help to understand: here is a product in stock https://brain.com.ua/ukr/Bagatofunktionalniy_pristriy_Canon_i-SENSYS_MF237w_c_Wi...
2 answer
25.05.2023, 14:31
Evaluation and revision of the site redesign
Site/box chekhol.com.ua TK with layout clarification https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aW-r6YyyiUthZvMVEPpy844fyLofBoDQaWM6OsLKMO8/...
1 answer
25.05.2023, 14:22
OneBox record a YouTube video about the MUTUAL CALCULATIONS application
Please record a video about the logic of the "Mutual Settlements" application. But on the examples of customer and supplier orders. Thank...
1 answer
25.05.2023, 11:00
Connect e-mails for sending automatically by status and condition?
Connect e-mails for automatic distribution according to the status and condition, so that our gift goes to our buyer free of charge
recopy the fields after the specified time interval
There was such a problem, I need the record of the status of new mail to be regularly updated in the additional field of the process. Regular re-en...
7 replies
24.05.2023, 23:01
Give access to robots.txt Googlebot-image
You need to change the robots.txt file. I have the same problem as this one https://1b.app/ua/forum/integration-with-onebox/16205-dati-dostup-do-r...
1 answer
24.05.2023, 13:21
The box stopped loading
Unable to load your box today. Not accessible from any devices https://ndruk.1b.app/
11 replies
EvoSmart Solution
24.05.2023, 12:47
Fix image upload
It is necessary to fix the uploading of images from Kinderplus Box to Opencart