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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
14.08.2023, 16:30
Write value by object key
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/849/action/new/ There is an action "Pass process to API". After sending the request, we get a ...
1 answer
14.08.2023, 16:27
Space is running out
Good day, the free disk space in the cloud is running out. Please help with cleaning
0 replies
14.08.2023, 14:40
No internal employee number in event
Good afternoon On the portal https://vnzr.1b.app/app/event/ Calls come to events with phone numbers on both sides, and it is not clear which of the...
Distribution of statements
Good afternoon, please tell me how to correctly configure the automatic distribution of bank statements, in the automation settings, the statement ...
8 replies
Bad INP on the site
Good day! System and site https://luxshina.ua/ Email received From: Google Search Console Team < sc-noreply@google.com > Content - "Your site has a...
2 answer
13.08.2023, 13:01
API Box orders
I am posting the API work log: [2023-08-13 12:19:27] host: vertex24.crm-onebox.com url: /api/orders/add/?login=&password=&ordercode=2447&name=verte...
6 replies
EvoSmart Solution
12.08.2023, 17:31
DOESN'T WORK Import orders from Rozetka Seller API
For the last week, orders have stopped being imported even more correctly, namely, products are loaded as a text version in the UKR language. Altho...
1 answer
Cities stopped pulling up when creating TTN
Hello. Now Novaya Pochta near the city name also conveys the area in the name (in orders received from Prom.ua), here is an example https://prnt.sc...
7 replies
11.08.2023, 14:06
Is integration with Vchasno EDI planned?
Good afternoon, here was a question last year, they wrote that you plan to integrate with Vchasno.EDI: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integration-with-one...
2 answer
11.08.2023, 12:00
At what tariffs does integration with OneBox work well?
Good day. Whose website works for Horosop, please tell me at which tariffs Horosop works for integration with OneBox?