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Application Questions and Answers «»

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31.10.2023, 12:43
How does setting the KPI calculation period work?
KPI (calculating the sum of processes): https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/kpi/79/ https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/kpi/8...
Changing information in order 1B from CS-cart
Good afternoon Example of an order in OneBox https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/7061/ in the admin panel of the online store the order was edited (anot...
Пользователь готов заплатить за решение 15$
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.10.2023, 10:49
How to send the necessary GET, POST, DELETE, PUT requests and use the received responses in orders
Here is an example of the request we send: { "apiKey": "here we take the key from the settings of the activated New Mail integration, for example",...
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27.10.2023, 16:01
After registration, the client does not have a phone number
Here is the contact https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/6029738/ After registering with LK, he no longer had a phone number. Although a telephone num...
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26.10.2023, 17:09
Revision: fill in another product filter according to the reference and
Guys, I need help. There is a product that has 2 filters. The first filter "Material" takes its values ​​from the directory. You need to fill the ...
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26.10.2023, 15:00
Please rate the update for the report Client report (document template)
For the report Client report (document template) https://i.imgur.com/Pcrn3S9.png add the ability to filter data by company and its employees https:...
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26.10.2023, 13:40
Send only an email to recover your personal account password
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/16/interface/ password recovery settings. in personal account https://univer.1b.app/app/settings/bo...
Integration files for Opencart 4
Good day! There is a site that is on the 4th version of OpenCart I need files for integration, can you send them? Tried integration on 3 versions N...
In the mobile app, it is impossible to go to a task from a reminder pop-up window
Good afternoon Example task https://kiyservice.1b.app/63094/ there is a task reminder action https://kiyservice.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/99...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
25.10.2023, 12:11
How to test the system to get the maximum benefit from the first steps of implementation
TEST LESSON 1 We start testing by creating desktops to which we move the relevant applications TEST LESSON 2 Under admin rights, you have the...