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With massive changes in the status of the BP, the stage is skipped

Sequence of actions:
- chose 134 processes https://i.imgur.com/s7dT9Aq.png
- through Edit, the stage was massively changed to TTN EOM (Start BP Act) https://i.imgur.com/H0EQwgR.png
- part of the processes goes to the specified stage and, according to the configured actions, then goes to the stage of TTN PC Closed https://i.imgur.com/P1N5afA.png, and part of the processes immediately goes to the stage TTN PC Closed https://i.imgur .com/1SBpPSi.png
The skipped stage has 2 actions configured: Create subtask and Switch to stage instantly
An example of a process in which the transition worked correctly: https://aquadevice.crm-onebox.com/9462890/
Example of a process where a step was missed: https://aquadevice.crm-onebox.com/9462889/
Original question is available on version: ua


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