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Application Questions and Answers «Horoshop»

5 replies
15.07.2022, 15:48
Good item in order
Customized import of orders with good Order example https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/lead/2427999/edit/ On the website, the product code ...
1 answer
22.06.2022, 10:00
Error when importing orders
Import of orders from good is configured https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/automatization/minute/edit/ But the orders are not loaded, there is an error in...
2 answer
Configuring process import from Horosop
If you set the field "Search products by matching the article to the additional field:" in the import settings, the action stops working ...
1 answer
The phone number is not loaded when creating an order GOOD
Here is the order https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/3070212/edit/ the order arrives correctly, the product, payment methods, cu...
13 replies
13.04.2022, 13:21
Export products to good
Good afternoon. How much will it cost in action once per hour "Export goods to Horoshop" parameter "Product modification name" ...
1 answer
20.03.2022, 16:31
Transfer of products to the well
Set up the transfer of products to good https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Product examples https://dobavki.ua/dr.-mercola-iodine...
1 answer
16.03.2022, 20:52
Transfer of availability to good
Product example https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/product/37882/edit/?tabid=0 Product availability text "Out of stock" An action once an hour th...
1 answer
02.02.2022, 12:26
Not working Ok
Orders from Horoshop stopped coming in and balances on Horoshop were updated. And don't track ttn np
2 answer
05.01.2022, 12:02
How to change the password to a new one in the authorization request
After changing the password in the Horosop admin panel, the "Export products to Horosop" automation does not work, because authorization ...
3 answer
29.11.2021, 12:07
Good transfer price according to quantity
In horoshope there is such a function as a price depending on the quantity, in boxing there is a similar price setting Here they describe how it wo...