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Application Questions and Answers «File storage»

Box cleaning
In connection with the desire to switch to rent "Tariff 3" where the storage capacity is 30GB. there is a need to clean the smartok.org.u...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.06.2021, 13:46
Duplicate file button
in the application https://psrok.crm-onebox.com/app/files/ the button "Other settings..." is duplicated twice they have the same link.
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.06.2021, 11:55
Directories are created without a name in the file storage
Opened the app https://psrok.crm-onebox.com/app/files/ I create a directory The directory is created without a name (or it is not visible - which,...
How can I reduce the size of the Box on the server?
In connection with the desire to move to rent ... The number of positions is 2770, each has an average of 2-4 photos, the size of the box is 51GB, ...
3 answer
14.06.2021, 17:03
The problem with boxing
SMS is not sent very slowly and emails are not sent https://crm.tdp.com.ua/ "Good afternoon. You don't have enough resources for the serve...
1 answer
10.06.2021, 17:42
Some files became inaccessible
Good afternoon! Some files became inaccessible, for example the process http://vg-medical.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/265789/edit/ - for the 2nd...
6 replies
10.06.2021, 14:02
The system does not boot, error. Data backup
On the night of May 27-28, the system did not boot, an error was generated: Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: No su...
3 answer
05.06.2021, 19:56
websites stopped working error 502
the site https://newdelhi.com.ua/ and https://canitel.com.ua/ does not work located on the same server error 502 Bad Gateway nginx
3 answer
01.06.2021, 15:55
Do not process auto-delivery of goods
Do not process auto-delivery of goods. Previously, they were working on additional work, if goods were seen on the site, then stench was automatica...
10 replies
29.05.2021, 14:59
CRM not working
CRM not working, need help