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Application Questions and Answers «File storage»

3 answer
17.08.2021, 14:29
Out of disk space
Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection refused in /var/www/newalphademocrm/web1/web/packages/ConnectionManage...
14 replies
17.08.2021, 11:22
OS - Bug - Unable to open file
One of the files cannot be opened. Bug?
1 answer
Personal license
13.08.2021, 18:51
The image in the document template does not load
I'm trying to add an image to a document, I get an error: https://take.ms/UudCZ How can this be fixed?
9 replies
Personal license
13.08.2021, 18:00
Rate the box "Attach files to a contact in the process"
It will be necessary to add files to the process, as they are attached to the contact.
10 replies
12.08.2021, 13:46
Writing backups to a separate storage
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the setting of copying backups to a separate storage. https://gmhost.com.ua/service/backup Access to the storage wa...
3 answer
04.08.2021, 17:36
Advice on adding files to the process
Is it possible to make an action that will add files to the process from a specific folder created in files ? That is, they created a process, add...
500 error
Boxing: https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ after entering login/password 500 error
3 answer
19.06.2021, 07:54
Archiving processes
There is such a problem: There are a lot of files in our clients' orders (drawings, PDF documents, photos, videos, document scans, etc.) that c...
Files section does not open for some contacts
the following do not open /admin/shop/users/22203/files/ /admin/shop/users/25493/files/ so far found in these specific contacts. The rest are all o...
1 answer
17.06.2021, 11:21
OS - file browsing
Will the new version implement convenient viewing of files ANYWHERE in the system? Or will work with files remain the same as in MVP?