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Application Questions and Answers «File storage»

Box assigns additional extensions to files
Boxing assigns additional extensions to files, while the file does not open in the corresponding application when downloading. For example: files w...
3 answer
26.08.2021, 09:54
Advice on block files in progress
There is a block in interface files in process It displays files in progress. These files are added by the action Add files to process from the sp...
3 answer
17.08.2021, 14:29
Out of disk space
Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection refused in /var/www/newalphademocrm/web1/web/packages/ConnectionManage...
14 replies
17.08.2021, 11:22
OS - Bug - Unable to open file
One of the files cannot be opened. Bug?
1 answer
Personal license
13.08.2021, 18:51
The image in the document template does not load
I'm trying to add an image to a document, I get an error: https://take.ms/UudCZ How can this be fixed?
9 replies
Personal license
13.08.2021, 18:00
Rate the box "Attach files to a contact in the process"
It will be necessary to add files to the process, as they are attached to the contact.
10 replies
12.08.2021, 13:46
Writing backups to a separate storage
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the setting of copying backups to a separate storage. https://gmhost.com.ua/service/backup Access to the storage wa...
3 answer
04.08.2021, 17:36
Advice on adding files to the process
Is it possible to make an action that will add files to the process from a specific folder created in files ? That is, they created a process, add...
500 error
Boxing: https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ after entering login/password 500 error
3 answer
19.06.2021, 07:54
Archiving processes
There is such a problem: There are a lot of files in our clients' orders (drawings, PDF documents, photos, videos, document scans, etc.) that c...